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Primary Academy

Modern Foreign Languages

Subject Leader: Jemma Wallace


At Corby Primary Academy, our overall intent for the MFL curriculum is that children develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about foreign languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating; feeling empowered to continue their studies beyond Key Stage 2. In lessons, pupils work in a collaborative way, supporting each other in remembering and using new and previous language learnt in Spanish and engaging in conversations in Spanish with adults and other children. The activities in lessons are inclusive and memorable, empowering all children to have the confidence to speak aloud in Spanish. We encourage learners to be bold and be willing to construct sentences using new and previous language combined, making links between their learning.

Our curriculum for MFL ensures that all pupils:

  • Receive a balance between the four key language learning skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing
  • Understand basic grammar appropriate to Spanish
  • Describe people, places, things and actions orally and in writing


All classes will have access to a very high-quality foreign languages curriculum using the Language Angels scheme of work and resources. This will progressively develop pupil skills in foreign languages through regularly taught and well-planned weekly lessons in KS2, which will be taught by class teachers.

Children will progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge organised around age-appropriate topics and themes - building blocks of language into more complex, fluent and authentic language.

All teachers will know where every child is at any point in their foreign language learning journey.

Children will build on previous knowledge gradually as their foreign language lessons continue to recycle, revise and consolidate previously learnt language whilst building on all four language skills: listeningspeakingreading and writing. Knowledge and awareness of required and appropriate grammar concepts will be taught throughout all units at all levels of challenge. 

  • We start with nouns and articles and 1st person singular of high frequency verbs in Early Learning units.
  • We move on to the use of the possessive, the concept of adjectives, use of the negative form, conjunctions/connectives and introduce the concept of whole regular verb conjugation in Intermediate units.
  • We end with opinions and introduce the concept of whole high frequency irregular verb conjugation in Progressive units.

Grammar is integrated and taught discreetly throughout all appropriate units. 


Pupils will continuously build on their previous knowledge as they progress in their foreign language learning journey through the primary phase. Previous language will be recycled, revised, recalled and consolidated whenever possible and appropriate through flashbacks.

Pupils will be aware of their own learning goals and progression as each unit offers a pupil-friendly overview, so that all pupils can review their own learning at the start and at the end of each unit. They will know and will be able to articulate if they have or have not met their learning objectives and can keep their unit learning intention sheets and unit core vocabulary sheets as a record of what they have learnt from unit to unit and from year to year.

Each unit is assessed with an end of unit assessment, which covers speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. This allows teachers to monitor the impact of the curriculum. Leaders monitor the quality and impact of the Spanish Curriculum through analysis of books, planning, pupil voice and the extent to which pupils know more and remember more.